The following blog post shows how to do it, but I though it was a bit clumsy.
First set the product version to a var in the .wxs file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Wix xmlns=""> <Product Id="*" Name="PUT-PRODUCT-NAME-HERE" Language="1033" Version="$(var.PRODUCTVERSION)" Manufacturer="PUT-COMPANY-NAME-HERE" UpgradeCode="PUT-GUID-HERE"> <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" Id="*"/> <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" /> <!--The rest of the WiX declaration.--> </Product> </Wix>
Next define the constant on the project.
WiX Project -> Properties -> Compiler Tab -> Define constants -> "PRODUCTVERSION=;".
Do this for both debug and release, so a local build is always
Is recommended that the WiXProject is not build locally (just remove it from the solution configuration manager).
Now we want TFS to make us a build where all project assemblies are given an incremental version and the MSI is versioned with the same version number.
Install AssemblyInfoTask on the Build Server. (See this blog for a fix for y7k issue.)
In TFSBuild.proj add the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project DefaultTargets="DesktopBuild" xmlns=""> <!-- TO EDIT BUILD TYPE DEFINITION To edit the build type, you will need to edit this file which was generated by the Create New Build Type wizard. This file is under source control needs to be checked out before making any changes. The file is available at - $/{TeamProjectName}/TeamBuildTypes/{BuildTypeName} where you will need to replace TeamProjectName and BuildTypeName with your Team Project and Build Type name that you created Checkout the file 1. Open Source Control Explorer by selecting View -> Other Windows -> Source Control Explorer 2. Ensure that your current workspace has a mapping for the $/{TeamProjectName}/TeamBuildTypes folder and that you have done a "Get Latest Version" on that folder 3. Browse through the folders to {TeamProjectName}->TeamBuildTypes->{BuildTypeName} folder 4. From the list of files available in this folder, right click on TfsBuild.Proj. Select 'Check Out For Edit...' Make the required changes to the file and save Checkin the file1. Right click on the TfsBuild.Proj file selected in Step 3 above and select 'Checkin Pending Changes' 2. Use the pending checkin dialog to save your changes to the source control Once the file is checked in with the modifications, all future builds using this build type will use the modified settings --> <!-- Do not edit this --> <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v8.0\TeamBuild\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets" /> <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\AssemblyInfoTask\Microsoft.VersionNumber.Targets"/> <ProjectExtensions> <!-- DESCRIPTION The description is associated with a build type. Edit the value for making changes. --> <Description> </Description> <!-- BUILD MACHINE Name of the machine which will be used to build the solutions selected. --> <BuildMachine>****</BuildMachine> </ProjectExtensions> <PropertyGroup> <!-- TEAM PROJECT The team project which will be built using this build type. --> <TeamProject>****</TeamProject> <!-- BUILD DIRECTORY The directory on the build machine that will be used to build the selected solutions. The directory must be a local path on the build machine (e.g. c:\build). --> <BuildDirectoryPath>****</BuildDirectoryPath> <!-- DROP LOCATION The location to drop (copy) the built binaries and the log files after the build is complete. This location has to be a valid UNC path of the form \\Server\Share. The build machine service account and application tier account need to have read write permission on this share. --> <DropLocation>\\appfrontend02\TFSBuildDrops\EVServiceBil</DropLocation> <!-- TESTING Set this flag to enable/disable running tests as a post build step. --> <RunTest>****</RunTest> <!-- WorkItemFieldValues Add/edit key value pairs to set values for fields in the work item created during the build process. Please make sure the field names are valid for the work item type being used. --> <WorkItemFieldValues>Symptom=build break;Steps To Reproduce=Start the build using Team Build</WorkItemFieldValues> <!-- CODE ANALYSIS To change CodeAnalysis behavior edit this value. Valid values for this can be Default,Always or Never. Default - To perform code analysis as per the individual project settings Always - To always perform code analysis irrespective of project settings Never - To never perform code analysis irrespective of project settings --> <RunCodeAnalysis>****</RunCodeAnalysis> <!-- UPDATE ASSOCIATED WORK ITEMS Set this flag to enable/disable updating associated workitems on a successful build --> <UpdateAssociatedWorkItems>true</UpdateAssociatedWorkItems> <!-- Title for the work item created on build failure --> <WorkItemTitle>Build failure in build:</WorkItemTitle> <!-- Description for the work item created on build failure --> <DescriptionText>This work item was created by Team Build on a build failure.</DescriptionText> <!-- Text pointing to log file location on build failure --> <BuildlogText>The build log file is at:</BuildlogText> <!-- Text pointing to error/warnings file location on build failure --> <ErrorWarningLogText>The errors/warnings log file is at:</ErrorWarningLogText> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup> <!-- Assembly version properties. Add others here --> <AssemblyMajorVersion>1</AssemblyMajorVersion> <AssemblyFileMajorVersion>1</AssemblyFileMajorVersion> <!-- TF.exe --> <TF>"$(TeamBuildRefPath)\..\tf.exe"</TF> <!-- AssemblyInfo file spec --> <AssemblyInfoSpec>AssemblyInfo.cs</AssemblyInfoSpec> </PropertyGroup> <!-- Set this to non-existent file to force rebuild. --> <ItemGroup> <IntermediateAssembly Include="$(SolutionRoot)\foobar.dll"/> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <!-- SOLUTIONS The path of the solutions to build. To add/delete solutions, edit this value. For example, to add a solution MySolution.sln, add following line - <SolutionToBuild Include="$(SolutionRoot)\path\MySolution.sln" /> To change the order in which the solutions are build, modify the order in which the solutions appear below. --> <SolutionToBuild Include="****" /> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <!-- CONFIGURATIONS The list of configurations to build. To add/delete configurations, edit this value. For example, to add a new configuration, add following lines - <ConfigurationToBuild Include="Debug|x86"> <FlavorToBuild>Debug</FlavorToBuild> <PlatformToBuild>x86</PlatformToBuild> </ConfigurationToBuild> The Include attribute value should be unique for each ConfigurationToBuild node. --> <ConfigurationToBuild Include="Release|Any CPU"> <FlavorToBuild>****</FlavorToBuild> <PlatformToBuild>****</PlatformToBuild> </ConfigurationToBuild> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <!-- TEST ARGUMENTS If the RunTest is set to true then the following test arguments will be used to run tests. To add/delete new testlist or to choose a metadata file (.vsmdi) file, edit this value. For e.g. to run BVT1 and BVT2 type tests mentioned in the Helloworld.vsmdi file, add the following - <MetaDataFile Include="$(SolutionRoot)\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.vsmdi"> <TestList>BVT1;BVT2</TestList> </MetaDataFile> Where BVT1 and BVT2 are valid test types defined in the HelloWorld.vsmdi file. MetaDataFile - Full path to test metadata file. TestList - The test list in the selected metadata file to run. Please note that you need to specify the vsmdi file relative to $(SolutionRoot) --> <!-- <MetaDataFile Include=" "> <TestList> </TestList> </MetaDataFile> --> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <!-- ADDITIONAL REFERENCE PATH The list of additional reference paths to use while resolving references. For example, <AdditionalReferencePath Include="C:\MyFolder\" /> <AdditionalReferencePath Include="C:\MyFolder2\" /> --> </ItemGroup> <Target Name="AfterGet" Condition="'$(IsDesktopBuild)'!='true'"> <!-- Set the AssemblyInfoFiles items dynamically --> <CreateItem Include="$(SolutionRoot)\**\$(AssemblyInfoSpec)"> <Output ItemName="AssemblyInfoFiles" TaskParameter="Include" /> </CreateItem> <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(SolutionRoot)" Command="$(TF) checkout /recursive $(AssemblyInfoSpec)"/> </Target> <Target Name="AfterCompile" Condition="'$(IsDesktopBuild)'!='true'"> <!-- Create MSI--> <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(SolutionRoot)" Command="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe $(SolutionRoot)\SolutionFolder\WixProjectFolder\WixProject.wixproj /target:rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:DefineSolutionProperties=false /p:OutputPath=$(OutDir) /p:DefineConstants=%22PRODUCTVERSION=$(MaxAssemblyVersion);%22" Timeout="60000" /> <Copy SourceFiles="$(OutDir)\msiname.msi" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)" /> <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(SolutionRoot)" Command="$(TF) checkin /comment:"Auto-Build: Version Update $(MaxAssemblyVersion) ***NO_CI***" /noprompt /override:"Auto-Build: Version Update" /recursive $(AssemblyInfoSpec)"/> </Target> <!-- In case of Build failure, the AfterCompile target is not executed. Undo the changes --> <Target Name="BeforeOnBuildBreak" Condition="'$(IsDesktopBuild)'!='true'"> <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(SolutionRoot)" Command="$(TF) undo /noprompt /recursive $(AssemblyInfoSpec)"/> </Target> </Project>
Basically it runs the WixProject in a separate MSBuild process, this also we can create any number of msi files we want with different configurations.
Remember if you use CI, you have to stop an infinet loop because the Build Script does a check-in on the assemblyinfo.cs files.
I use Automaton, that fails if a running build gets a build request. So that work just fine.
1 comment:
FYI: TFS Build will ignore any check-ins which have the magic string "***NO_CI***" (without quotes) in the comment.
So if your AssemblyInfo check-in includes this in its comment, you wont cause an infinite loop of CI rebuilds.
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