
Learning by Sample: Monorail and AspView

I really like the AspView View engine for Monorail, not that the other view engines are bad - but...
Intellisense and a familiar syntax just does it for me, however the documentation is lacking behind.

So I have converted the monorail getting started sample application to use aspview. Also it is now a Visual Studio 2008 solution.
I have added a SQLCE sql server as a database backend, and all dependencies are also included. So you can get started by just downloading, no other software has to be installed. I am assuming that you are using ReSharper, if not do you self a favor and install it now.

It is in my trunk, and there is a zip file for download.

Using the sample

All logging from nhibernate is logged by the trace writer, and should be visible in the Output/Debug window in VS.


Version: Both Monorail and AspView are trunk versions (Rev. 5227).


Unknown said...

Cool stuff, Morten. Can you place a link on http://using.castleproject.org/display/MR/Home#Home-Blogposts


Anonymous said...

Cool thing. thx for the effort.

off-topic - I can't find a way to link into a single post from your blog's homepage (using FF3). titles aren't click-able, and I see no permalink.

Morten Lyhr said...

I think the permalink is in the bottom.

posted by Morten Lyhr @ 21:18 <- this is the permalink, go figure :-)

Anonymous said...

Can we have the sample code to run in vs2005 please?